Friday, April 25, 2014

I Never Could Start In Media Res

It would be sensible, I suppose, to draft a Statement of Intent or a Declaration of Principles when one is embarking on a new writing endeavor. At least, it is if one has already established oneself as the sort of person to use words like "embarking" in everyday sentences. I should have stuck with "starting." Nobody expects anything from someone who just says "starting."

However, I don't have a Statement of Intent or even any Principles to Declare, as I will be making this up as I go along. If I go along. At first I was unhappy with my lack of a compelling guiding principle, as I am generally fond of that sort of thing, but then I thought... I don't wish to post my informal essays online in order to force my opinions onto other people. I don't like being dogmatic and I don't wish to stop discussions before they even have the chance to happen.

So what I want, then, are questions. Not answers. Not Principles or Statements. Questions. An open-ended experiment in formulating and expressing thought on a public forum. I have no idea if it will work, but, well, that is rather the point of experiments, isn't it? To find out. At any rate, that will be another one of the underlying questions: is this entire project even a good idea?

I suppose this is as good a place as any to start. See? I even say "start" now. I am clearly improving already.

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